Please help now to save our spuds

Sarpo Potatoes in our garden
Some of our 2013 Sarpo potatoes growing

If you’ve grown potatoes, you’ll probably know the heartbreak that late blight can cause you. It can wipe out your crop.

If you eat potatoes, I’m sure you’d like to eat ones that are free from copper (a heavy metal), fungicides & pesticides. But to prevent crop losses, conventional farmers use the copper & other sprays.

A small startup company, Sarpo Potatoes have developed GM free, blight resistant spuds that don’t need spraying. Hooray!

Their spuds are also very tasty. Yay!

But if Sarpo don’t get a few tens of pounds from spud lovers in the next few days, their project may die. 🙁

You can help by donating as little as £5. You can help by loaning (yes lending!) as little as £50 and you’ll get lovely spuds as your interest payment.

Please contribute here now.

I have.

If you’d like to find out more about this low-carbon, environmentally sound project, please click here.

Sarpo Potatoes are not big agri-business. They really need our help to get the potatoes grown and out to the wider market. Your contribution could be as little as the loose change down the back of the sofa or to loan the cost of less than a night out. Please go here to help.

Thanks in advance 🙂





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